
Christ United Methodist Church Labyrinth


The Labyrinth is a gift in honor of MOTHER. Pause for a moment and remember the mother that has nurtured you. That mother may be the mother that bore you, the mother that raised you, the community of mothers who encouraged you, the mother within, or the mother that is in God, embracing and loving you. The labyrinth, etched in acid on tinted concrete, has been allowed to crack rather than interrupting the pattern with spacers. The cracks and imperfections in the etching remind us of the imperfections in ourselves and in those who have loved us even as the completeness of the pattern reminds us of the perfection that is the Word of God. A single path takes you to the center. It differs from a maze which calls for choices and creates confusion. The path winds about within the circle reflecting our own lives. It allows us to touch our sorrows and release our joys. Dr. Artress calls the pattern "an archetype, a divine imprint." As a tool the path can facilitate our desire to rest our hearts in God.

We at Christ Church acknowledge with genuine appreciation the vision, the information, and the encouragement of Dr. Lauren Artress, Veriditas, and the Grace Cathedral Labyrinth Project. Dr. Artress may be contacted at (415) 794-6356.

The garden and labyrinth are available for ceremonies and retreats as well as for private reflection.  Please contact the church at (806) 894-5644 for further information and guidelines.

We respect the labyrinth as sacred ground.



Labyrinth Logo by Joel Pickett

We suggest that you consider the walk in the three stages of the ancient mystical path of the mystics of the Christian tradition.

One: The first stage might be called the letting go or the giving up. Perhaps you prefer yield, surrender, or shed. As you walk into the labyrinth be aware of your breathing. The path in allows you to empty yourself of all the nitty-gritty that fractures your thinking and being. Set aside the dinner menu, the algebra exam, the argument with loved ones, the pain and suffering that you or someone else is experiencing. Off these to God's love and care and let go.

Two: The second stage is reached as you enter the center. The mystics call this illumination. We might call it the opening up, the reception, the accepting. The center is a place for meditation and prayer. Invite the Holy One into the empty space you have created within your inner self. Receive what is there for you to receive.

Three: When you are ready, walk out the way you came in. This is the third stage, union. Julian of Norwich spoke of oneness with Christ. As you walk out on the path, own the experience of the walk. Acknowledge the present moment, you own relationship with that which is divine, your own claim on a God that is Love. Welcome the Living Christ into your living and being.

Clear your mind and become aware of your breath. This is the energy that fuels your living. Experiment with different paces. Allow yourself to find a comfortable pace. Feel comfortable passing another or letting them pass you. Going in, you will meet people coming out. Do what feels comfortable. Your walk will be different from all other walks, both those you make and those that others make. Be aware of the others, but not distracted by them. They, too, are seeking to know the way, the truth, and the light that leads them to God.

We invite you to write down your labyrinth walking experiences and your thoughts and share them with us. You may leave them in the church office, email them to us, or mail them to 1704 South College Avenue, Levelland, Texas 79336.

If you would like to discuss the experience, please do not hesitate to contact our pastor, Dennis Cates, or a member of our congregation.

We respect the labyrinth as sacred ground.